批处理之家's Archiver

DAIC 发表于 2014-4-15 17:09


Internally, Active Directory uses ticks (100 nanosecond units since 1601) to represent date and time. It has been hard in the past to convert these huge numbers into human readable date and time. Here is a much easier way:[code][DateTime]::FromFileTime(635312826377934727)[/code]Likewise, to convert a date to ticks, use this approach:
[table=100%,black][tr][td][color=white]PS C:\> (Get-Date -Date '2014-04-01 18:22:12').Ticks


DAIC 发表于 2014-4-15 17:10

Note that Get-Date will accept a value representing ticks as an argument, so:
[table=100%,black][tr][td][color=white]PS C:\> Get-Date(635312826377934727)
2014年3月24日 18:30:37

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