- E:\Documents and Settings\eetc>F:\test.bat
- E:\Documents and Settings\eetc>rem 指定FTP用户名
- E:\Documents and Settings\eetc>set ftpUser=asx
- E:\Documents and Settings\eetc>rem 指定FTP密码
- E:\Documents and Settings\eetc>set ftpPass=asx-asx
- E:\Documents and Settings\eetc>rem 指定FTP服务器地址
- E:\Documents and Settings\eetc>set ftpIP=
- E:\Documents and Settings\eetc>rem 指定待下载的文件位于FTP服务器的什么位置
- E:\Documents and Settings\eetc>set ftpFolder=/export/home/PROD/ntcdata
- E:\Documents and Settings\eetc>rem 指定从FTP下载下来的文件存放到什么地方
- E:\Documents and Settings\eetc>set DownFolder=E:\Temp
- E:\Documents and Settings\eetc>rem 指定下载几天前的文件
- E:\Documents and Settings\eetc>set DaysAgo=1
- E:\Documents and Settings\eetc>set ftpDir=E:\DOCUME~1\eetc\LOCALS~1\Temp\TempDir
- .txt
- E:\Documents and Settings\eetc>set ftpDown=E:\DOCUME~1\eetc\LOCALS~1\Temp\TempDo
- wn.txt
- E:\Documents and Settings\eetc>rem 假设本机日期格式为yyyy-mm-dd
- E:\Documents and Settings\eetc>set FileY=2009
- E:\Documents and Settings\eetc>call :DateToDays 2009 04 09 PassDays
- E:\Documents and Settings\eetc>setlocal ENABLEEXTENSIONS
- E:\Documents and Settings\eetc>set yy=2009 & set mm=04 & set dd=09
- E:\Documents and Settings\eetc>if 12009 LSS 200 if 12009 LSS 170 (set yy=202009
- ) else (set yy=192009 )
- E:\Documents and Settings\eetc>set /a dd=10009%100,mm=10004%100
- E:\Documents and Settings\eetc>set /a z=14-mm,z/=12,y=yy+4800-z,m=mm+12*z-3,j=15
- 3*m+2
- E:\Documents and Settings\eetc>set /a j=j/5+dd+y*365+y/4-y/100+y/400-2472633
- E:\Documents and Settings\eetc>endlocal & set PassDays=14343 & goto :EOF
- E:\Documents and Settings\eetc>set /a PassDays-=DaysAgo
- E:\Documents and Settings\eetc>call :DaysToDate 14342 DstYear DstMonth DstDay
- E:\Documents and Settings\eetc>setlocal ENABLEEXTENSIONS
- E:\Documents and Settings\eetc>set /a a=14342+2472632,b=4*a+3,b/=146097,c=-b*146
- 097,c/=4,c+=a
- E:\Documents and Settings\eetc>set /a d=4*c+3,d/=1461,e=-1461*d,e/=4,e+=c,m=5*e+
- 2,m/=153,dd=153*m+2,dd/=5
- E:\Documents and Settings\eetc>set /a dd=-dd+e+1,mm=-m/10,mm*=12,mm+=m+3,yy=b*10
- 0+d-4800+m/10
- E:\Documents and Settings\eetc>(if 4 LSS 10 set mm=04 ) & (if 8 LSS 10 set dd=0
- 8 )
- E:\Documents and Settings\eetc>endlocal & set DstYear=2009 & set DstMonth=04 &
- set DstDay=08 & goto :EOF
- E:\Documents and Settings\eetc>echo.asx1>"E:\DOCUME~1\eetc\LOCALS~1\Temp\TempDir
- .txt"
- E:\Documents and Settings\eetc>echo.asx-asx1>>"E:\DOCUME~1\eetc\LOCALS~1\Temp\Te
- mpDir.txt"
- E:\Documents and Settings\eetc>echo bin 1>>"E:\DOCUME~1\eetc\LOCALS~1\Temp\TempD
- ir.txt"
- E:\Documents and Settings\eetc>echo cd "/export/home/PROD/ntcdata" 1>>"E:\DOCUME
- ~1\eetc\LOCALS~1\Temp\TempDir.txt"
- E:\Documents and Settings\eetc>echo dir * "E:\DOCUME~1\eetc\LOCALS~1\Temp\FileLi
- st.txt" 1>>"E:\DOCUME~1\eetc\LOCALS~1\Temp\TempDir.txt"
- E:\Documents and Settings\eetc>echo bye 1>>"E:\DOCUME~1\eetc\LOCALS~1\Temp\TempD
- ir.txt"
- E:\Documents and Settings\eetc>start ftp -v -i -s:"E:\DOCUME~1\eetc\LOCALS~1\Tem
- p\TempDir.txt"
- E:\Documents and Settings\eetc>rem 根据实际情况自行调节延迟时间
- E:\Documents and Settings\eetc>ping -n 10 127.1 1>nul
- E:\Documents and Settings\eetc>findstr /i ":*\.SWM$" "E:\DOCUME~1\eetc\LOCALS~1\
- Temp\FileList.txt" 1>"E:\DOCUME~1\eetc\LOCALS~1\Temp\FileDate.txt"
- E:\Documents and Settings\eetc>findstr /i ":*\.TWM$" "E:\DOCUME~1\eetc\LOCALS~1\
- Temp\FileList.txt" 1>>"E:\DOCUME~1\eetc\LOCALS~1\Temp\FileDate.txt"
- E:\Documents and Settings\eetc>findstr /i ":*\.XWM$" "E:\DOCUME~1\eetc\LOCALS~1\
- Temp\FileList.txt" 1>>"E:\DOCUME~1\eetc\LOCALS~1\Temp\FileDate.txt"
- E:\Documents and Settings\eetc>echo.asx1>"E:\DOCUME~1\eetc\LOCALS~1\Temp\TempDow
- n.txt"
- E:\Documents and Settings\eetc>echo.asx-asx1>>"E:\DOCUME~1\eetc\LOCALS~1\Temp\Te
- mpDown.txt"
- E:\Documents and Settings\eetc>echo bin 1>>"E:\DOCUME~1\eetc\LOCALS~1\Temp\TempD
- own.txt"
- E:\Documents and Settings\eetc>echo cd "/export/home/PROD/ntcdata" 1>>"E:\DOCUME
- ~1\eetc\LOCALS~1\Temp\TempDown.txt"
- E:\Documents and Settings\eetc>(for /F "usebackq tokens=1-9 delims= " %a in ("E:
- \DOCUME~1\eetc\LOCALS~1\Temp\FileDate.txt") do (
- setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
- if "%f" EQU "Jan" (set FileM=01 ) else if "%f" EQU "Feb" (set FileM=02 ) else
- if "%f" EQU "Mar" (set FileM=03 ) else if "%f" EQU "Apr" (set FileM=04 ) else
- if "%f" EQU "May" (set FileM=05 ) else if "%f" EQU "Jun" (set FileM=06 ) else
- if "%f" EQU "Jul" (set FileM=07 ) else if "%f" EQU "Aug" (set FileM=08 ) else
- if "%f" EQU "Sep" (set FileM=09 ) else if "%f" EQU "Oct" (set FileM=10 ) else
- if "%f" EQU "Nov" (set FileM=11 ) else if "%f" EQU "Dec" (set FileM=12 )
- set FileD=10%g
- set FileD=!FileD:~-2!
- if "!FileM!" EQU "04" (if "!FileD!" EQU "08" (echo get "%i" ) )
- endlocal
- ) ) 1>>"E:\DOCUME~1\eetc\LOCALS~1\Temp\TempDown.txt"
- E:\Documents and Settings\eetc>echo bye 1>>"E:\DOCUME~1\eetc\LOCALS~1\Temp\TempD
- own.txt"
- E:\Documents and Settings\eetc>start ftp -v -i -s:"E:\DOCUME~1\eetc\LOCALS~1\Tem
- p\TempDown.txt"
- E:\Documents and Settings\eetc>goto :eof