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标题: [网络工具] wput --- ftp 上传工具 [打印本页]

作者: tmplinshi    时间: 2013-4-23 01:21     标题: wput --- ftp 上传工具

Wput is a command-line ftp-client that looks like wget but instead of downloading, uploads files or whole directories to remote ftp-servers.

Main Features

Usage: wput [options] [file]... [ url ]...
  url        ftp://[username[:password]@]hostname[:port][/[path/][file]]

  -V, --version         Display the version of wput and exit.
  -h, --help            Print this help-screen

Logging and input file:
  -o,  --output-file=FILE      log messages to FILE
  -a,  --append-output=FILE    append log messages to FILE
  -q,  --quiet                 quiet (no output)
  -v,  --verbose               be verbose
  -d,  --debug                 debug output
  -nv, --less-verbose          be less verbose
  -i,  --input-file=FILE       read the URLs from FILE
  -s,  --sort                  sorts all input URLs by server-ip and path
       --basename=PATH         snip PATH off each file when appendig to an URL
  -I,  --input-pipe=COMMAND    take the output of COMMAND as data-source
  -R,  --remove-source-files   unlink files upon successful upload

       --bind-address=ADDR     bind to ADDR (hostname or IP) on local host
  -t,  --tries=NUMBER          set retry count to NUMBER (-1 means infinite)
  -nc, --dont-continue         do not resume partially-uploaded files
  -u,  --reupload              do not skip already completed files
       --skip-larger           do not upload files if remote size is larger
       --skip-existing         do not upload files that exist remotely
  -N,  --timestamping          don't re-upload files unless newer than remote
  -T,  --timeout=10th-SECONDS  set various timeouts to 10th-SECONDS
  -w,  --wait=10th-SECONDS     wait 10th-SECONDS between uploads. (default: 0)
       --random-wait           wait from 0...2*WAIT secs between uploads.
       --waitretry=SECONDS     wait SECONDS between retries of an upload
  -l,  --limit-rate=RATE       limit upload rate to RATE
  -nd, --no-directories        do not create any directories
  -Y,  --proxy=http/socks/off  set proxy type or turn off
       --proxy-user=NAME       set the proxy-username to NAME
       --proxy-pass=PASS       set the proxy-password to PASS

  -p,  --port-mode             no-passive, turn on port mode ftp (def. pasv)
  -A,  --ascii                 force ASCII  mode-transfer
  -B,  --binary                force BINARY mode-transfer
       --force-tls             force the useage of TLS

See the wput(1) for more detailed descriptions of the options.
Mail bug reports and suggestions to <>

  1. dir /b *.gif *.png | wput --reupload -i -
作者: sanboo2007    时间: 2013-5-6 20:01

作者: wuhengsi    时间: 2013-5-6 22:31

作者: 熏鱼饺子    时间: 2014-2-4 20:35

作者: xybzm    时间: 2014-2-21 17:20


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