function useage()
cat << EOU
Useage: bash $0 <path to the binary> <path to copy the dependencies>
exit 1
#Validate the inputs
[[ $# < 2 ]] && useage
#Check if the paths are vaild
[[ ! -e $1 ]] && echo "Not a vaild input $1" && exit 1
[[ -d $2 ]] || echo "No such directory $2 creating..."&& mkdir -p "$2"
#Get the library dependencies
echo "Collecting the shared library dependencies for $1..."
deps=$(ldd $1 | awk 'BEGIN{ORS=" "}$1\
~/^\//{print $1}$3~/^\//{print $3}'\
| sed 's/,$/\n/')
echo "Copying the dependencies to $2"
#Copy the deps
for dep in $deps
echo "Copying $dep to $2"
cp "$dep" "$2"