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标题: 生成(批阅)简单计算题的VBS [打印本页]
作者: jmz573515 时间: 2009-6-11 15:25 标题: 生成(批阅)简单计算题的VBS
- set ws=createobject("wscript.shell")
- set fso=createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
- '----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- if wscript.arguments.count=0 then
- do
- n=replace(inputbox("请输入您要生成的算法及题目个数:" & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & "A 加法练习(+)" & vbcrlf & "B 减法练习(-)"& vbcrlf & "C 乘法练习(×)"& vbcrlf & "D 除法练习(÷)" & vbcrlf & "E 混合运算练习(+,-,(,))" & vbcrlf & vbcrlf &"生成100道加法练习请输入:(A100)","系统提示","A100")," ","")
- if n="" or n=false then wscript.quit:msgbox "脚本退出!",4096
- if asc(lcase(left(n,1)))<97 or asc(lcase(left(n,1)))>101 then
- msgbox "1输入错误,请重新输入!",16+4096,"错误"
- elseif not isnumeric(mid(n,2)) then
- msgbox "2输入错误,请重新输入!",16+4096,"错误"
- else
- exit do
- end if
- loop
- Select Case lcase(left(n,1))
- Case "a":jiafa(mid(n,2))
- Case "b":jianfa(mid(n,2))
- Case "c":chengfa(mid(n,2))
- Case "d":chufa(mid(n,2))
- Case "e":hunhe(mid(n,2))
- End Select
- msgbox "文件已生成,练习完成后可以把练习题拖动到该脚本上进行批阅!",4096+48,"友情提示"
- else
- if lcase(right(wscript.arguments(0),3))<>"txt" then msgbox "对不起,你拖放的不是文本文件!",16+4096,"错误":wscript.quit
- piyue(wscript.arguments(0))
- end if
- '----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- sub jiafa(a) '100以内加法练习
- randomize
- for i=1 to a
- s1=s1 & int(rnd()*50) & "+" & int(rnd()*50) & "=" & vbcrlf & vbcrlf
- next
- call createfile("加法练习.txt",s1)
- end sub
- '----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- sub jianfa(a) '减法练习
- randomize
- for i=1 to a
- x=int(rnd()*100)
- y=int(rnd()*100)
- if x<y then tmp=x:x=y:y=tmp
- s2=s2 & x & "-" & y & "=" & vbcrlf & vbcrlf
- next
- call createfile("减法练习.txt",s2)
- end sub
- '----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- sub chengfa(a) '九九表练习(个位数的乘法)
- randomize
- for i=1 to a
- s3=s3 & int(rnd()*10) & "×" & int(rnd()*10) & "=" & vbcrlf & vbcrlf
- next
- call createfile("个位数的乘法.txt",s3)
- end sub
- '----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- sub chufa(a) '除法练习(个位数的除法)
- randomize
- m=split("1÷1;2÷1;3÷1;4÷1;5÷1;6÷1;7÷1;8÷1;9÷1;2÷2;4÷2;6÷2;8÷2;10÷2;12÷2;14÷2;16÷2;18÷2;3÷3;6÷3;9÷3;12÷3;15÷3;18÷3;21÷3;24÷3;27÷3;4÷4;8÷4;12÷4;16÷4;20÷4;24÷4;28÷4;32÷4;36÷4;5÷5;10÷5;15÷5;20÷5;25÷5;30÷5;35÷5;40÷5;45÷5;6÷6;12÷6;18÷6;24÷6;30÷6;36÷6;42÷6;48÷6;54÷6;7÷7;14÷7;21÷7;28÷7;35÷7;42÷7;49÷7;56÷7;63÷7;8÷8;16÷8;24÷8;32÷8;40÷8;48÷8;56÷8;64÷8;72÷8;9÷9;18÷9;27÷9;36÷9;45÷9;54÷9;63÷9;72÷9;81÷9",";")
- l=ubound(m)
- for i=1 to a
- s4=s4 & m(int(rnd()*l)) & "=" & vbcrlf & vbcrlf
- next
- call createfile("除法练习.txt",s4)
- end sub
- '----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- sub hunhe(a) '混合运算
- randomize
- for i=1 to a
- w=int(rnd()*3)
- select case w
- case 0 'a+b+c或a+(b+c)
- x=int(rnd()*33):y=int(rnd()*33):z=int(rnd()*33)
- if y mod 2=0 then
- s5=s5 & x & "+" & y & "+" & z &"=" & vbcrlf & vbcrlf
- else
- s5=s5 & x & "+(" & y & "+" & z &")=" & vbcrlf & vbcrlf
- end if
- case 1 'a+b-c或a-b+c或a+(b-c)
- x=int(rnd()*100)
- y=int(rnd()*100)
- if x<y then tmp=x:x=y:y=tmp
- if x mod 2=0 then
- if y mod 2=0 then
- s5=s5 & int(rnd()*50) & "+" & x & "-" & y &"=" & vbcrlf & vbcrlf
- else
- s5=s5 & int(rnd()*50) & "+(" & x & "-" & y &")=" & vbcrlf & vbcrlf
- end if
- else
- s5=s5 & x & "-" & y & "+" & int(rnd()*50) &"=" & vbcrlf & vbcrlf
- end if
- case 2 'a-b-c或a-(b-c)或a-(b+c)
- x=int(rnd()*100)
- y=int(rnd()*100)
- if x<y then tmp=x:x=y:y=tmp
- h=x-y
- z=int(rnd()*100)
- if z=<h then
- s5=s5 & x & "-" & y & "-" & z & "=" & vbcrlf & vbcrlf
- elseif z>=x+y then
- if z mod 2=0 then
- s5=s5 & z & "-" & x & "-" & y & "=" & vbcrlf & vbcrlf
- else
- s5=s5 & z & "-(" & x & "+" & y & ")=" & vbcrlf & vbcrlf
- end if
- else
- s5=s5 & z & "-(" & x & "-" & y & ")=" & vbcrlf & vbcrlf
- end if
- end select
- next
- call createfile("混合运算.txt",s5)
- end sub
- '----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- sub createfile(name,a)
- set file=fso.createtextfile(name)
- file.write a
- file.close
- end sub
- '----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- sub piyue(a)
- dui=0:chuo=0
- set file=fso.opentextfile(a)
- do while file.atendofstream<>true
- t=file.readline:t=replace(t," ",""):t=replace(t,"○",""):t=replace(t,"●",""):l=instr(t,"=")
- if t<>"" and mid(t,l+1)<>"" then
- tc=replace(t,"×","*"):tc=replace(tc,"÷","/")
- if eval(left(tc,l-1))=cint(mid(t,l+1)) then
- ts=ts & t & space(30-len(t)) & "○" & vbcrlf
- dui=dui+1
- else
- ts=ts & t & space(30-len(t)) & "●" & vbcrlf
- chuo=chuo+1
- end if
- else
- if t<>"" then
- ts=ts & t & space(30-len(t)) & "●" & vbcrlf
- chuo=chuo+1
- else
- ts=ts & t & vbcrlf
- end if
- end if
- loop
- file.close
- set file=fso.createtextfile(a)
- file.write ts
- file.close
- cj="共:"&dui+chuo&"道题,答对"&dui&"道题,得分:"& left(dui/(dui+chuo)*100,5)
- ws.run chr(34) & a & chr(34)
- msgbox cj,48+4096,"成绩"
- end sub
作者: yynxbaobao 时间: 2010-12-7 23:37
好东西 ! 怎么没有人顶呢? 谢谢,,,,,
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