- @echo off &setlocal
- rem Name of the bitmap file without extension
- set "filename=123"
- rem Window title necessary to identify it for the updated registry values
- set "title=BMP Test"
- if "%~1"=="" (
- rem If the .ansi file was not yet created, we will call :make_ansi to convert the .bmp content
- if not exist "%filename%.ansi" call :make_ansi || (pause&goto :eof)
- rem Update the size of the character cells which represent the pixels of the image
- >nul reg add "HKCU\Console\%title:\=_%" /f /v "FaceName" /t REG_SZ /d "Terminal"
- >nul reg add "HKCU\Console\%title:\=_%" /f /v "FontFamily" /t REG_DWORD /d 0x00000030
- >nul reg add "HKCU\Console\%title:\=_%" /f /v "FontSize" /t REG_DWORD /d 0x00030005
- rem Restart the script to get the new settings applied
- start "%title%" /max "%comspec%" /c "%~fs0" #
- goto :eof
- ) else >nul reg delete "HKCU\Console\%title:\=_%" /f
- rem Print the image
- type "%filename%.ansi"
- pause
- goto :eof
- rem Subroutine to convert the pixel array of the bitmap file into a file containing "true color" ANSI escape sequences
- :make_ansi
- setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
- set "outfile=!filename!.ansi"
- 2>nul del "!outfile!.raw.hex"
- rem Batch isn't able to work with the binary data of a BMP file. Thus, we use certutil to create a HEX dump.
- >nul certutil -encodehex "!filename!.bmp" "!outfile!.raw.hex" 4||(echo Unable to dump the bitmap&goto err)
- rem rn is CR + LF
- set "rn="&for /f "skip=1" %%i in ('echo(^|replace ? . /u /w') do if not defined rn (set rn=%%i^
- %= don't alter =%
- )
- rem Certutil wrote 16 space-separated byte values per line. This is inconvenient because we have to reassemble them into sequences of 2, 4, or 3 bytes later on.
- rem This will get easier if we write every value into a separate line first.
- >"!outfile!.separate.hex" (for /f "usebackq tokens=1-16" %%a in ("!outfile!.raw.hex") do echo %%a!rn!%%b!rn!%%c!rn!%%d!rn!%%e!rn!%%f!rn!%%g!rn!%%h!rn!%%i!rn!%%j!rn!%%k!rn!%%l!rn!%%m!rn!%%n!rn!%%o!rn!%%p)
- del "!outfile!.raw.hex"
- rem Control Sequence Introducer
- for /f %%e in ('echo prompt $E^|cmd') do set "csi=%%e["
- rem We use SET /P to read one byte value at once. Sequences that represent numeric values are in little endian byte order.
- rem For the variable naming refer to the structure documentations linked in the remarks.
- <"!outfile!.separate.hex" (
- rem BITMAPFILEHEADER https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/wingdi/ns-wingdi-bitmapfileheader
- set /p "bfType_1="&set /p "bfType_2="
- if "!bfType_1!!bfType_2!" neq "424d" (echo Wrong file type. Magic number must be 424d (ASCII "BM"^)&goto err)
- set /p "b4="&set /p "b3="&set /p "b2="&set /p "b1="
- set /a "bfSize=0x!b1!!b2!!b3!!b4!"
- for %%i in ("!filename!.bmp") do if !bfSize! neq %%~zi (echo File size doesn't match (!bfSize! vs. %%~zi^)&goto err)
- set /p "="&set /p "="&set /p "="&set /p "=" &rem bfReserved1 and bfReserved2 with two unused bytes each
- set /p "b4="&set /p "b3="&set /p "b2="&set /p "b1="
- set /a "bfOffBits=0x!b1!!b2!!b3!!b4!" &rem Offset in bytes between the beginning of the file and the pixel array
- rem BITMAPINFOHEADER https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/wingdi/ns-wingdi-bitmapinfoheader
- set /p "b4="&set /p "b3="&set /p "b2="&set /p "b1="
- set /a "biSize=0x!b1!!b2!!b3!!b4!"
- if !biSize! neq 40 (echo Wrong DIB header&goto err)
- set /p "b4="&set /p "b3="&set /p "b2="&set /p "b1="
- set /a "biWidth=0x!b1!!b2!!b3!!b4!" &rem Width of the bitmap in pixels
- set /p "b4="&set /p "b3="&set /p "b2="&set /p "b1="
- set /a "biHeight=0x!b1!!b2!!b3!!b4!" &rem Height of the bitmap in pixels
- set /a "chk=((biWidth>>31)&1)+((biHeight>>31)&1)"
- if !chk! neq 0 (echo Negative image size not supported&goto err)
- set /p "b2="&set /p "b1="
- set /a "biPlanes=0x!b1!!b2!"
- if !biPlanes! neq 1 (echo Number of planes must be 1&goto err)
- set /p "b2="&set /p "b1="
- set /a "biBitCount=0x!b1!!b2!"
- if !biBitCount! neq 24 (echo Only 24 bits color depth supported&goto err)
- set /p "b4="&set /p "b3="&set /p "b2="&set /p "b1="
- set /a "biCompression=0x!b1!!b2!!b3!!b4!"
- if !biCompression! neq 0 (echo Only uncompressed bitmaps supported&goto err)
- set /a "skip=bfOffBits-34" &rem We already read 34 bytes. Some further bytes are not of interest. We ignore them to get to the begin of the pixel array.
- for /l %%i in (1 1 !skip!) do set /p "="
- set /a "pad=(biWidth*3)%%4" &rem The pixel rows might be padded because the number of bytes has to be a multiple of 4
- if !pad! neq 0 set /a "pad=4-pad"
- rem A pixel consists of 3 bytes which represent the color in BGR order.
- rem The first 3 bytes belong to the lower left corner of the image. This means the order of the pixel array is bottom-up.
- rem Since we need both the colors in RGB order and the upper left corner first, we have to reorder literally everything.
- rem After these nested loops we got a file containing the "true color" ANSI sequences.
- echo The BMP file will be converted for you. This may take a while ...
- >"!outfile!" type nul
- for /l %%Y in (1 1 !biHeight!) do (
- >"!outfile!.~tmp" (
- set "row="
- for /l %%X in (1 1 !biWidth!) do (
- set /p "b="&set /p "g="&set /p "r="
- set /a "r=0x!r!,g=0x!g!,b=0x!b!"
- set "row=!row!%csi%38;2;!r!;!g!;!b!m%csi%48;2;!r!;!g!;!b!m#"
- )
- echo !row!%csi%0m
- )
- for /l %%i in (1 1 !pad!) do set /p "="
- >nul copy /b "!outfile!.~tmp" + "!outfile!"
- >nul move /y "!outfile!.~tmp" "!outfile!"
- )
- )
- 2>nul del "!outfile!.separate.hex"
- endlocal&exit /b 0
- :err
- 2>nul del "!outfile!.separate.hex"
- endlocal&exit /b 1
并不是真正意义上的显示图片. 而且他也用了第三方certutil复制代码
- %ESC%[38;2;!r!;!g!;!b!mÛ%ESC%[0m"
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