
标题: [原创] 一些有用的VBS函数(子程序) [打印本页]
作者: jyswjjgdwtdtj 时间: 2023-2-10 11:36 标题: 一些有用的VBS函数(子程序)
下载网页- function gethtml(byval url,byval t_b)
- Set http = CreateObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP")
- with http
- .open "GET",url,false
- .send
- if t_b="text" then
- gethtml=.responsetext
- elseif t_b="binary" then
- gethtml=.responsebody
- end if
- end with
- end function
配套的把二进制数据写入的:- sub writeado(target,htmlbody)
- Set ado = createobject("Adodb.Stream")
- Const adTypeBinary = 1
- ado.Type = adTypeBinary
- ado.Open
- ado.Write htmlbody
- ado.SaveToFile target
- ado.Close
- End Sub
如下使用- writeado target,gethtml(url,"binary")
以前做的 创建类似于JavaScript对象的树状结构- option explicit
- dim myobject
- set myobject=setmyobject("[var1=3,var3=[function [] (byval str,byref finding):msgbox str&finding:[]=1:end function],var5=[var10=2,var11=3]]")
- msgbox myobject.var5.var11
- function setmyobject(byval objectstr)
- if not isclassobject(objectstr) then err.raise
- dim classstr,classname,classinitialize
- classname=createstr(10)
- classstr="class "&classname&vbcrlf
- dim elements:set elements=new arr
- dim thisstr,kcounts:kcounts=0
- dim newstr:newstr=lcase(","&mid(objectstr,2,len(objectstr)-2)&",")
- dim objchar:objchar=toeach(newstr)
- dim i:for i=2 to ubound(objchar)
- if objchar(i)="," and thisstr<>"" and kcounts=0then
- elements.newitem=thisstr
- thisstr=""
- else
- if objchar(i)="[" then kcounts=kcounts+1
- if objchar(i)="]" then kcounts=kcounts-1
- thisstr=thisstr&objchar(i)
- end if
- next
- set objchar=nothing:set kcounts=nothing:set newstr=nothing:set thisstr=nothing
- dim varins:set varins=new arr
- dim element:for each element in elements.tarray
- dim varname:varname=mid(element,1,instr(element,"=")-1)
- dim var:set var=new eachele:var.varname=varname:var.varinit=replace(element,varname&"=","",1,1,0)
- set varins.newitem=var
- classstr=classstr&"public "&varname&vbcrlf
- next
- classstr=classstr&"end class"
- set elements=nothing
- execute(classstr)
- dim myclass:set myclass=eval("new "&classname)
- dim newstr1,functionname
- for each element in varins.tarray
- if isclassobj(element.varinit) then
- if (instr(element.varinit,"function []")=2 or instr(element.varinit,"sub []")=2) then
- functionname=createstr(9)
- newstr1=replace(mid(element.varinit,2,len(element.varinit)-2),"[]",functionname)
- executeglobal(newstr1)
- execute("set myclass."&element.varname&"=getref("&chr(34)&functionname&chr(34)&")")
- else
- dim subobject:set subobject=setmyobject(element.varinit)
- execute("set "&"myclass."&element.varname&"=subobject")
- end if
- else
- execute("myclass."&element.varname&"="&element.varinit)
- end if
- next
- set setmyobject=myclass
- end function
- class eachele
- public varname
- public varinit
- end class
- function isclassobj(byval str)
- isclassobj=(mid(str,1,1)="[" and mid(str,len(str),1)="]")
- end function
- function createstr(length)
- dim str,i
- randomize
- str=""
- for i=1 to length
- str=str&chr(int(26*rnd)+97)
- next
- createstr=str
- end function
- function toeach(str)
- dim chars,i
- set chars=new arr
- chars.newitem=chr(0)
- for i=1 to len(str)
- chars.newitem=mid(str,i,1)
- next
- toeach=chars.tarray
- end function
- class arr
- private myarray()
- Private Sub Class_Initialize()
- redim myarray(-1)
- end sub
- public property let newitem(item)
- redim preserve myarray(ubound(myarray)+1)
- myarray(ubound(myarray))=item
- end property
- public property set newitem(item)
- redim preserve myarray(ubound(myarray)+1)
- set myarray(ubound(myarray))=item
- end property
- public property get tarray()
- tarray=myarray
- end property
- end class
大数加法- public function add(byval number1,byval number2)
- len1=len(number1):len2=len(number2)
- char1=stringtochar(number1):char2=stringtochar(number2)
- dim result,remainder
- result="":remainder=0
- do while(len1>=1 or len2>=1)
- dim n1,n2
- if (len1>=1) then
- n1=char1(len1):len1=len1-1
- else
- n1=0
- end if
- if (len2>=1) then
- n2=char2(len2):len2=len2-1
- else
- n2=0
- end if
- num=cdbl(n1)+cdbl(n2)+cdbl(remainder)
- remainder=(num-(num mod 10))/10
- result=result&(num mod 10)
- loop
- if remainder>0 then result=result&remainder
- add=strreverse(result)
- end function
大数减法- public function substract(byval number1,byval number2)'num1 is minuend,num2 is subtrahend
- r_s=numbercompare(number1,number2)
- if r_s=0 then substract=0
- if r_s=-1 then change number1,number2
- len1=len(number1):len2=len(number2)
- char1=stringtochar(number1):char2=stringtochar(number2)
- dim borrow,result
- do while (len1>=1 or len2>=1)
- if (len1>=1) then
- n1=char1(len1):len1=len1-1
- else
- n1=0
- end if
- if (len2>=1) then
- n2=char2(len2):len2=len2-1
- else
- n2=0
- end if
- num=cdbl(n1)-cdbl(n2)+cdbl(borrow)
- if num<0 then
- borrow=(num-(num mod 10))/10
- result=result&(num+10)
- else
- borrow=0
- result=result&num
- end if
- loop
- for i=2 to len(result)
- if right(result,1)="0" then
- result=mid(result,1,len(result)-1)
- else
- exit for
- end if
- next
- result=strreverse(result)
- if r_s=-1 then result="-"&result
- substract=result
- end function
大数乘法’用了大数加法- public function multiply(byval n1,byval n2)
- if n1="0" or n2="0" then multiply=0:exit function
- len1=len(n1):len2=len(n2)
- char1=stringtochar(n1):char2=stringtochar(n2)
- dim result:result=""
- for i1=len1 to 1 step -1
- r=""
- for i2=len2 to 1 step -1
- mul=char1(i1)*char2(i2)
- r=add(r,mul&string(len2-i2,"0"))
- next
- result=add(result,r&string(len1-i1,"0"))
- next
- multiply=result
- end function
大数比较- public function numbercompare(byval n1,byval n2)
- s1="+":s2="+"
- if instr(n1,"-")=1 then s1="-":n1=mid(n1,2)
- if instr(n2,"-")=1 then s2="-":n2=mid(n2,2)
- if s1<>s2 then
- if s1="+" then
- numbercompare=1
- else
- numbercompare=-1
- end if
- else
- dim initresult
- if len(n1)<len(n2) then
- initresult=-1
- elseif len(n1)>len(n2) then
- initresult=1
- else
- c1=stringTochar(n1)
- c2=stringTochar(n2)
- for i=1 to ubound(c1)
- if c1(i)>c2(i) then initresult=1:exit for
- if c1(i)<c2(i) then initresult=-1:exit for
- if i=ubound(c1) then numbercompare=0:exit function
- next
- end if
- if s1="-" then
- initresult=-int(initresult)
- end if
- numbercompare=initresult:exit function
- end if
- end function
把字符串转换为数组- private function stringTochar(byval str)
- dim char():redim char(0):char(0)=chr(0)
- for i=1 to len(str)
- redim preserve char(ubound(char)+1)
- char(ubound(char))=mid(str,i,1)
- next
- stringtochar=char
- end function
遍历文件夹- set fso=createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
- dim arr()
- redim arr(-1)
- getfile "c:\windows",arr
- sub getfile(byval path,byref arr)
- set mfolder=fso.getfolder(path)
- set tfolders=mfolder.subfolders
- set tfiles=mfolder.files
- for each tfile in tfiles
- redim preserve arr(ubound(arr)+1)
- arr(ubound(arr))=tfile.path
- next
- for each tfolder in tfolders
- getfile tfolder.path,arr
- next
- end sub
作者: yyz219 时间: 2023-2-11 14:53
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