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标题: [文本处理] [已解决]批处理怎样批量删除TXT文件最后的一个断落? [打印本页]

作者: zxzl    时间: 2010-5-21 15:27     标题: [已解决]批处理怎样批量删除TXT文件最后的一个断落?





[ 本帖最后由 zxzl 于 2010-5-22 11:54 编辑 ]
作者: hanyeguxing    时间: 2010-5-21 16:37

1,当行首为“  ”时为一个新的段落?
作者: zxzl    时间: 2010-5-21 16:59

原帖由 hanyeguxing 于 2010-5-21 16:37 发表
1,当行首为“  ”时为一个新的段落?


Drs Secret A Trusted Range To Repair And Renew Your Skin

If you are bothered by any of the common skin problems like acne, fine lines, wrinkles, or pigmentation, Drs Secret skin care range is a safe and effective way of banishing your woes. This revolutionary skin care program is rich in natural vitamins and minerals that will help to repair, rejuvenate and renew your skin from within its deepest layers.

Skin ageing is a result of the daily dose you receive of sun, pollutants, free radicals and other such factors that damage it. As you grow older, your metabolism slows down. The collagen in the skin takes longer to be replaced. Hormonal and other changes taking place within your body also affect your skin. All this shows up as fine lines, pigmentation, blemishes, open pores and other skin problems. Your complexion may look dull and unhealthy due to decreased cell renewal, dead cell build up, exposure and oxidation.

There is a bewildering array of creams that claim to work in the market. But Drs secret has shown proven results for thousands of women to help to repair and renew their skin. You will be delighted to find a cream that finally does what it claims to do!

Laura Lin is a skincare consultant for DR's Secret and care to share her experience to bring forth beautiful life and hope for those who aspires. Want to have beautiful skin, flawless complexion? Visit Laura's DR's Secret Review Site for the best skincare product you need to make you look beautiful and young. DR's Secret - Simply The Best. Seeing is Believing. Click Here

Laura Lin is a skincare consultant for DR's Secret and care to share her experience to bring forth beautiful life and hope for those who aspires. Want to have beautiful skin, flawless complexion? Visit Laura's DR's Secret Review Site for the best skincare product you need to make you look beautiful and young. DR's Secret - Simply The Best. Seeing is Believing. Click Here


[ 本帖最后由 zxzl 于 2010-5-21 17:00 编辑 ]
作者: hanyeguxing    时间: 2010-5-21 20:14

  1. @echo off&setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
  2. for %%a in (*.txt) do (
  3. for /f "delims=" %%b in ('find /c /v "" ^<"%%a"') do set b=%%b
  4. (for /f "tokens=1* delims=:" %%b in ('findstr /n .* "%%a"') do if %%b lss !b! echo.%%c)>$
  5. move $ "%%a")
  1. @echo off&setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
  2. for %%a in (*.txt) do (
  3. for /f "delims=" %%b in ('find /c /v "" ^<"%%a"') do set b=%%b
  4. (for /f "skip=2 tokens=1* delims=[]" %%b in ('find /n /v "" "%%a"') do if %%b lss !b! echo.%%c)>$
  5. move $ "%%a")

[ 本帖最后由 hanyeguxing 于 2010-5-21 20:23 编辑 ]
作者: zxzl    时间: 2010-5-21 20:27

作者: hanyeguxing    时间: 2010-5-21 20:37

原帖由 zxzl 于 2010-5-21 20:27 发表

作者: zxzl    时间: 2010-5-21 20:59



[ 本帖最后由 zxzl 于 2010-5-21 21:48 编辑 ]
作者: sgaizxt001    时间: 2010-5-21 23:53

  1. @echo off
  2. setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
  3. for %%m in (*.txt) do (
  4.   set /a m+=1
  5.   for /f "delims=" %%a in ('find /c /v "" %%m') do set n=%%a
  6.   for /f "tokens=1,* delims=:" %%i in ('findstr /n .* %%m') do (
  7.      set n=!n:~-2,1!
  8.      if %%i lss !n! echo.%%j>>tmp_!m!.txt
  9.   )
  10. del %%m
  11. ren tmp_!m!.txt %%m
  12. )
  13. endlocal
  14. pause

作者: zxzl    时间: 2010-5-22 08:42

作者: del    时间: 2010-5-22 10:31

  1. @echo off
  2. dir /b *.txt | find /v /c "" > .tmp
  3. set /p Total=< .tmp
  4. find /v /c "" *.txt > .tmp
  5. for /f "delims=: tokens=1,2" %%a in (.tmp) do call :1 "%%a" %%b
  6. del .tmp
  7. exit /b
  8. :1
  9. set /a Last2 = %2 - 1, Count += 1
  10. set "File=%~1"
  11. findstr /n .* "%File:~11%" > .tmp
  12. (
  13.     for /f "delims=" %%a in (.tmp) do (
  14.         set Var=%%a
  15.         set /a Line = Var
  16.         SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
  17.         if !Line! lss %Last2% (
  18.             echo,!Var:*:=!
  19.         ) else (
  20.             if !Line! equ %Last2% if "!Var:*:=!" neq "" echo,!Var:*:=!
  21.         )
  22.         EndLocal
  23.     )
  24. ) > "%File:~11%"
  25. cls
  26. echo 已处理 %Count% 个文件(共 %Total% 个)

作者: zxzl    时间: 2010-5-22 11:13



[ 本帖最后由 zxzl 于 2010-5-22 11:20 编辑 ]
作者: del    时间: 2010-5-22 11:32

  1. @echo off
  2. for /f "delims=" %%a in ('findstr /m "http://" *.txt') do (
  3.     findstr /v "http://" "%%a" > .tmp
  4.     move .tmp "%%a"
  5. )
如果不区分"http://"的大小写,把 /m 和 /v 分别改成 /mi 和 /vi

[ 本帖最后由 del 于 2010-5-22 11:35 编辑 ]
作者: zxzl    时间: 2010-5-22 11:33


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