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[转载代码] [PowerShell每日技巧]左对齐、右对齐(20140306)

If you must make sure that a given string has a uniform width, then you can use .NET methods to pad the string appropriately:

PS C:\> $mytext = 'Test'
PS C:\> $paddedText = $mytext.PadLeft(15)
PS C:\> "Here is the text: '$paddedText'"
Here is the text: '           Test'
PS C:\>
PS C:\> $paddedText = $mytext.PadRight(15)
PS C:\> "Here is the text: '$paddedText'"
Here is the text: 'Test           '

You can even add a padding character yourself (if you do not want to pad with spaces):
PS C:\> 'Hello'.PadLeft(20, '.')
PS C:\> 'Hello'.PadRight(20, '_')

