附件见末尾- =info
- 类目各层级交易占比可视化
- Author: 523066680/vicyang
- 2020-04
- Echarts旭日图模板: sunburst-drink_tmpl.html
- 颜色分配:按ID % scalar(@cmap)
- =cut
- use utf8;
- use Encode;
- use JSON qw/from_json to_json/;
- use Cwd;
- use File::Slurp;
- use Data::Dumper;
- use List::Util qw/min max sum/;
- use Date::Format;
- $Data::Dumper::Indent = 1;
- STDOUT->autoflush(1);
- my $date = "202111";
- my $dir = "./Data_${date}_Month";
- my @cmap = ("#da0d68","#975e6d","#e0719c","#f99e1c","#ef5a78","#f7f1bd","#da1d23","#dd4c51","#3e0317","#e62969","#6569b0","#ef2d36","#c94a44","#b53b54","#a5446f","#f2684b","#e73451","#e65656","#f89a1c","#aeb92c","#4eb849","#f68a5c","#baa635","#f7a128","#f26355","#e2631e","#fde404","#7eb138","#ebb40f","#e1c315","#9ea718","#94a76f","#d0b24f","#8eb646","#faef07","#c1ba07","#b09733","#8f1c53","#b34039","#ba9232","#8b6439","#187a2f","#a2b029","#718933","#3aa255","#a2bb2b","#62aa3c","#03a653","#038549","#28b44b","#a3a830","#7ac141","#5e9a80","#0aa3b5","#9db2b7","#8b8c90","#beb276","#fefef4","#744e03","#a3a36f","#c9b583","#978847","#9d977f","#cc7b6a","#db646a","#76c0cb","#80a89d","#def2fd","#7a9bae","#039fb8","#5e777b","#120c0c","#c94930","#caa465","#dfbd7e","#be8663","#b9a449","#899893","#a1743b","#894810","#ddaf61","#b7906f","#eb9d5f","#ad213e","#794752","#cc3d41","#b14d57","#c78936","#8c292c","#e5762e","#a16c5a","#a87b64","#c78869","#d4ad12","#9d5433","#c89f83","#bb764c","#692a19","#470604","#e65832","#d45a59","#310d0f","#ae341f","#d78823","#da5c1f","#f89a80","#f37674","#e75b68","#d0545f");
- #color filter
- @cmap = grep {
- $_ =~/#(.{2})(.{2})(.{2})/;
- if ( hex("0x$1") > 180 and hex("0x$2") > 180 and hex("0x$3") > 180) {
- 0;
- }
- elsif ( hex("0x$1") < 30 or hex("0x$2") < 30 or hex("0x$3") < 30 ) {
- 0;
- } else {
- 1;
- }
- } @cmap;
- my $colors = scalar(@cmap);
- my $raw = read_file( gbk("Category.json") );
- my $data = from_json( $raw );
- my $ID = 44;
- recur_tree( $data->{$ID}{child}, $ID, 1 );
- # 遍历层级并获取对应节点的平台数据
- sub recur_tree
- {
- my ( $node, $parentID, $lv ) = @_;
- for my $id ( keys %$node )
- {
- printf "%s%s %s %s\n", " "x($lv*2), u2gbk($node->{$id}{label}), $id, $parentID;
- $node->{$id}{'trend'} = get_deal_trend( $id );
- $node->{$id}{'percent'} = get_percent( $id );
- recur_tree( $node->{$id}{child}, $id, $lv+1 ) if ( exists $node->{$id}{child} and $lv < 3 );
- }
- }
- my $dv = {};
- treedump( $dv, $data->{$ID}{child}, 100.0, 0 );
- # 去除外层 children 键
- my $jsonstr = to_json( $dv->{'children'}, {pretty=>1} );
- my $html = read_file("sunburst-drink_tmpl.html");
- $html =~s/(var data = )\[\]/$1${jsonstr}/g;
- write_file("Visual_". u2gbk($info->{$ID}[2]) . "_MonthPercent_${date}.html", $html);
- sub get_percent
- {
- my ( $cateID ) = @_;
- my $file = "$dir/${cateID}_core.json";
- my $raw = read_file( $file );
- my $data = from_json( $raw );
- my $percent = $data->{data}{payAmtParentCatePercent}{value};
- return $percent;
- }
- sub get_addcart
- {
- my ( $cateID ) = @_;
- my $file = "$dir/${cateID}_core.json";
- my $raw = read_file( $file );
- my $data = from_json( $raw );
- my $percent = $data->{data}{itemAddCartBuyerCnt}{value};
- return $percent;
- }
- sub get_deal_trend
- {
- my ( $cateID ) = @_;
- my $file = "$dir/${cateID}_trend.json";
- my $raw = read_file( $file );
- my $data = from_json( $raw );
- my $array = $data->{data}{selfCate}{noriskPayAmtIndex};
- my $min = min(@$array );
- @$array = map { $_ } @$array;
- return $array;
- }
- sub treedump
- {
- my ( $ref, $node, $value, $lv ) = @_;
- my @childs;
- for my $id ( sort { $a <=> $b } keys %$node )
- {
- my $info = $node->{$id};
- my ( $label, $trend, $percent ) = @{$info}{'label', 'trend', 'percent'};
- # 小于一定比例不显示
- next if $percent * $value < 0.1;
- #next if ( $lv > 1 and $percent * $value < 0.5 );
- printf "%s%d %s %s\n", " "x$lv, $id, u2gbk( $label ), $percent;
- my $tref = {
- 'name' => $label . " " . sprintf("%.1f\%", $percent * $value),
- 'itemStyle' => { 'color' => $cmap[ ($id) % $colors ] }
- };
- if ($lv >= 0)
- {
- $tref->{'value'} = $percent * $value;
- }
- treedump( $tref, $node->{$id}{child}, $percent * $value, $lv+1 );
- push @childs, $tref;
- }
- $ref->{children} = \@childs;
- }
- sub delta
- {
- my ($a, $b) = @_;
- return abs( $a - $b );
- }
- sub gbk { encode('gbk', $_[0]) }
- sub uni { decode('utf8', $_[0]) }
- sub utf8 { encode('utf8', $_[0]) }
- sub u2gbk { encode('gbk', decode('utf8', $_[0])) }
复制代码 3C_Market_DataVisualization.7z |