http://bbs.bathome.net/thread-13081-1-1.html- Add Formatted Text to a Word Document
- Demonstration script that displays formatted data in a Microsoft Word document.
- Set objWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")
- objWord.Visible = True
- Set objDoc = objWord.Documents.Add()
- Set objSelection = objWord.Selection
- objSelection.Font.Name = "Arial"
- objSelection.Font.Size = "18"
- objSelection.TypeText "Network Adapter Report"
- objSelection.TypeParagraph()
- objSelection.Font.Size = "14"
- objSelection.TypeText "" & Date()
- objSelection.TypeParagraph()
- Add a Formatted Table to a Word Document
- Demonstration script that retrieves service data from a computer and then displays that data in a formatted table in Microsoft Word.
- Set objWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")
- objWord.Visible = True
- Set objDoc = objWord.Documents.Add()
- Set objRange = objDoc.Range()
- objDoc.Tables.Add objRange,1,3
- Set objTable = objDoc.Tables(1)
- x=1
- strComputer = "."
- Set objWMIService = _
- GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
- Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_Service")
- For Each objItem in colItems
- If x > 1 Then
- objTable.Rows.Add()
- End If
- objTable.Cell(x, 1).Range.Font.Bold = True
- objTable.Cell(x, 1).Range.Text = objItem.Name
- objTable.Cell(x, 2).Range.text = objItem.DisplayName
- objTable.Cell(x, 3).Range.text = objItem.State
- x = x + 1
- Next
- Apply a Style to a Table in a Word Document
- Demonstration script that retrieves service data from a computer, displays that data in a table in Microsoft Word, then formats the data by using a predefined Microsoft Word style
- Set objWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")
- objWord.Visible = True
- Set objDoc = objWord.Documents.Add()
- Set objRange = objDoc.Range()
- objDoc.Tables.Add objRange,1,3
- Set objTable = objDoc.Tables(1)
- objTable.Range.Font.Size = 10
- objTable.Range.Style = "Table Contemporary"
- x=2
- objTable.Cell(x, 1).Range.Text = "Service Name"
- objTable.Cell(x, 2).Range.text = "Display Name"
- objTable.Cell(x, 3).Range.text = "State"
- strComputer = "."
- Set objWMIService = _
- GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
- Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_Service")
- For Each objItem in colItems
- If x > 1 Then
- objTable.Rows.Add()
- End If
- objTable.Cell(x, 1).Range.Text = objItem.Name
- objTable.Cell(x, 2).Range.text = objItem.DisplayName
- objTable.Cell(x, 3).Range.text = objItem.State
- x = x + 1
- Next
- Add a Table to a Word Document
- Demonstration script that retrieves service information from a computer and then displays that information in tabular format in Microsoft Word.
- Set objWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")
- objWord.Visible = True
- Set objDoc = objWord.Documents.Add()
- Set objRange = objDoc.Range()
- objDoc.Tables.Add objRange,1,3
- Set objTable = objDoc.Tables(1)
- x=1
- strComputer = "."
- Set objWMIService = _
- GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
- Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_Service")
- For Each objItem in colItems
- If x > 1 Then
- objTable.Rows.Add()
- End If
- objTable.Cell(x, 1).Range.Text = objItem.Name
- objTable.Cell(x, 2).Range.text = objItem.DisplayName
- objTable.Cell(x, 3).Range.text = objItem.State
- x = x + 1
- Next
- Append Text to a Word Document
- Demonstration script that appends the current date to the existing Microsoft Word document C:\Scripts\Word\Testdoc.doc.
- Const END_OF_STORY = 6
- Set objWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")
- objWord.Visible = True
- Set objDoc = objWord.Documents.Open("c:\scripts\word\testdoc.doc")
- Set objSelection = objWord.Selection
- objSelection.TypeParagraph()
- objSelection.TypeParagraph()
- objSelection.Font.Size = "14"
- objSelection.TypeText "" & Date()
- objSelection.TypeParagraph()
- objSelection.TypeParagraph()
- objSelection.Font.Size = "10"
- Create a New Word Document
- Demonstration script that creates and displays a new Microsoft Word document.
- Set objWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")
- objWord.Visible = True
- Set objDoc = objWord.Documents.Add()
- Create and Save a Word Document
- Demonstration script that retrieves network adapter data from a computer, displays that data in a Microsoft Word document, and then saves the document as C:\Scripts\Word\Testdoc.doc.
- Set objWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")
- objWord.Caption = "Test Caption"
- objWord.Visible = True
- Set objDoc = objWord.Documents.Add()
- Set objSelection = objWord.Selection
- objSelection.Font.Name = "Arial"
- objSelection.Font.Size = "18"
- objSelection.TypeText "Network Adapter Report"
- objSelection.TypeParagraph()
- objSelection.Font.Size = "14"
- objSelection.TypeText "" & Date()
- objSelection.TypeParagraph()
- objSelection.TypeParagraph()
- objSelection.Font.Size = "10"
- strComputer = "."
- Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
- Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery _
- ("Select * from Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration")
- For Each objItem in colItems
- objSelection.Font.Bold = True
- objSelection.TypeText "ARP Always Source Route: "
- objSelection.Font.Bold = False
- objSelection.TypeText "" & objItem.ArpAlwaysSourceRoute
- objSelection.TypeParagraph()
- objSelection.Font.Bold = True
- objSelection.TypeText "ARP Use EtherSNAP: "
- objSelection.Font.Bold = False
- objSelection.TypeText "" & objItem.ArpUseEtherSNAP
- objSelection.TypeParagraph()
- objSelection.Font.Bold = True
- objSelection.TypeText "Caption: "
- objSelection.Font.Bold = False
- objSelection.TypeText "" & objItem.Caption
- objSelection.TypeParagraph()
- objSelection.Font.Bold = True
- objSelection.TypeText "Database Path: "
- objSelection.Font.Bold = False
- objSelection.TypeText "" & objItem.DatabasePath
- objSelection.TypeParagraph()
- objSelection.Font.Bold = True
- objSelection.TypeText "Dead GW Detection Enabled: "
- objSelection.Font.Bold = False
- objSelection.TypeText "" & objItem.DeadGWDetectEnabled
- objSelection.TypeParagraph()
- objSelection.Font.Bold = True
- objSelection.TypeText "Default IP Gateway: "
- objSelection.Font.Bold = False
- objSelection.TypeText "" & objItem.DefaultIPGateway
- objSelection.TypeParagraph()
- objSelection.Font.Bold = True
- objSelection.TypeText "Default TOS: "
- objSelection.Font.Bold = False
- objSelection.TypeText "" & objItem.DefaultTOS
- objSelection.TypeParagraph()
- objSelection.Font.Bold = True
- objSelection.TypeText "Default TTL: "
- objSelection.Font.Bold = False
- objSelection.TypeText "" & objItem.DefaultTTL
- objSelection.TypeParagraph()
- objSelection.Font.Bold = True
- objSelection.TypeText "Description: "
- objSelection.Font.Bold = True
- objSelection.Font.Bold = False
- objSelection.TypeText "" & objItem.Description
- objSelection.TypeParagraph()
- objSelection.TypeParagraph()
- Next
- objDoc.SaveAs("C:\Scripts\Word\testdoc.doc")
- objWord.Quit
- Display Service Information in a Word Document
- Demonstration script that retrieves service information from a computer and then displays that data in a Microsoft Word document.
- Set objWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")
- objWord.Visible = True
- Set objDoc = objWord.Documents.Add()
- Set objSelection = objWord.Selection
- objSelection.TypeText "Services Report"
- objSelection.TypeParagraph()
- objSelection.TypeText "" & Now
- objSelection.TypeParagraph()
- objSelection.TypeParagraph()
- strComputer = "."
- Set objWMIService = _
- GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
- Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_Service")
- For Each objItem in colItems
- objSelection.TypeText objItem.DisplayName & " -- " & objItem.State
- objSelection.TypeParagraph()
- Next
- List Microsoft Word Properties
- Demonstration script that lists Microsoft Word configuration settings.
- On Error Resume Next
- Set objWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")
- Wscript.Echo "Active Printer:", objWord.ActivePrinter
- For Each objAddIn in objWord.AddIns
- Wscript.Echo "AddIn: ", objAddIn
- Next
- Wscript.Echo "Application:", objWord.Application
- Wscript.Echo "Assistant:", objWord.Assistant
- For Each objCaption in objWord.AutoCaptions
- Wscript.Echo "AutoCaptions:", objCaption
- Next
- Wscript.Echo "Automation Security:", objWord.AutomationSecurity
- Wscript.Echo "Background Printing Status:", objWord.BackgroundPrintingStatus
- Wscript.Echo "Background Saving Status:", objWord.BackgroundSavingStatus
- Wscript.Echo "Browse Extra File Type:", objWord.BrowseExtraFileTypes
- Wscript.Echo "Build:", objWord.Build
- Wscript.Echo "Caps Lock:", objWord.CapsLock
- Wscript.Echo "Caption:", objWord.Caption
- For Each objLabel in objWord.CaptionLabels
- Wscript.Echo "Caption Label:", objLabel
- Next
- Wscript.Echo "Check Language:", objWord.CheckLanguage
- For Each objAddIn in objWord.COMAddIns
- Wscript.Echo "COM AddIn:", objAddIn
- Next
- Wscript.Echo "Creator:", objWord.Creator
- For Each objDictionary in objWord.CustomDictionaries
- Wscript.Echo "Custom Dictionary:", objDictionary
- Next
- Wscript.Echo "Customization Context:", objWord.CustomizationContext
- Wscript.Echo "Default Legal Blackline:", objWord.DefaultLegalBlackline
- Wscript.Echo "Default Save Format:", objWord.DefaultSaveFormat
- Wscript.Echo "Default Table Separator:", objWord.DefaultTableSeparator
- For Each objDialog in objWord.Dialogs
- Wscript.Echo "Dialog:", objDialog
- Next
- Wscript.Echo "Display Alerts:", objWord.DisplayAlerts
- Wscript.Echo "Display Recent Files:", objWord.DisplayRecentFiles
- Wscript.Echo "Display Screen Tips:", objWord.DisplayScreenTips
- Wscript.Echo "Display Scroll Bars:", objWord.DisplayScrollBars
- For Each objDocument in objWord.Documents
- Wscript.Echo "Document:", objDocument
- Next
- Wscript.Echo "Email Template:", objWord.EmailTemplate
- Wscript.Echo "Enable Cancel Key:", objWord.EnableCancelKey
- Wscript.Echo "Feature Install:", objWord.FeatureInstall
- For Each objConverter in objWord.FileConverters
- Wscript.Echo "File Converter:", objConverter
- Next
- Wscript.Echo "Focus In MailHeader:", objWord.FocusInMailHeader
- For Each objFont in objWord.FontNames
- Wscript.Echo "Font Name:", objFont
- Next
- Wscript.Echo "Height", objWord.Height
- For Each objBinding in objWord.KeyBindings
- Wscript.Echo "Key Binding:", objBinding
- Next
- For Each objFont in objWord.LandscapeFontNames
- Wscript.Echo "Landscape Font Name:", objFont
- Next
- Wscript.Echo "Language", objWord.Language
- For Each objLanguage in objWord.Languages
- Wscript.Echo "Language:", objLanguage
- Next
- Wscript.Echo "Left", objWord.Left
- Wscript.Echo "Mail System:", objWord.MailSystem
- Wscript.Echo "MAPI Available:", objWord.MAPIAvailable
- Wscript.Echo "Math Coprocessor Available:", objWord.MathCoprocessorAvailable
- Wscript.Echo "Mouse Available:", objWord.MouseAvailable
- Wscript.Echo "Name:", objWord.Name
- Wscript.Echo "Normal Template:", objWord.NormalTemplate
- Wscript.Echo "Num Lock:", objWord.NumLock
- Wscript.Echo "Parent:", objWord.Parent
- Wscript.Echo "Path:", objWord.Path
- Wscript.Echo "Path Separator:", objWord.PathSeparator
- Wscript.Echo "Print Preview:", objWord.PrintPreview
- For Each objFile in objWord.RecentFiles
- Wscript.Echo "Recent File:", objFile
- Next
- Wscript.Echo "Screen Updating:", objWord.ScreenUpdating
- Wscript.Echo "Show Visual Basic Editor:", objWord.ShowVisualBasicEditor
- Wscript.Echo "Special Mode:", objWord.SpecialMode
- Wscript.Echo "Startup Path:", objWord.StartupPath
- For Each objTask in objWord.Tasks
- Wscript.Echo "Task:", objTask
- Next
- For Each objTemplate in objWord.Templates
- Wscript.Echo "Template:", objTemplate
- Next
- Wscript.Echo "Top:", objWord.Top
- Wscript.Echo "Usable Height:", objWord.UsableHeight
- Wscript.Echo "Usable Width:", objWord.UsableWidth
- Wscript.Echo "User Address:", objWord.UserAddress
- Wscript.Echo "User Control:", objWord.UserControl
- Wscript.Echo "User Initials:", objWord.UserInitials
- Wscript.Echo "User Name:", objWord.UserName
- Wscript.Echo "Version:", objWord.Version
- Wscript.Echo "Visible:", objWord.Visible
- Wscript.Echo "Width:", objWord.Width
- For Each objWindow in objWord.Windows
- Wscript.Echo "Window:", objWindow
- Next
- Wscript.Echo "Window State:", objWord.WindowState
- objWord.Quit
- Modify Bookmark Text in a Word Document
- Demonstration script that changes the text of two different bookmarks in an existing Microsoft Word document.
- Set objWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")
- objWord.Caption = "Test Caption"
- objWord.Visible = True
- Set objDoc = objWord.Documents.Open("c:\scripts\word\bookmarkdoc.doc")
- Set objRange = objDoc.Bookmarks("NameBookmark").Range
- objRange.Text = "Bob"
- Set objRange = objDoc.Bookmarks("AddressBookmark").Range
- objRange.Text = "999"
- Open and Print a Word Document
- Demonstration script that opens and prints and existing Microsoft Word document.
- Set objWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")
- Set objDoc = objWord.Documents.Open("c:\scripts\inventory.doc")
- objDoc.PrintOut()
- objWord.Quit
- Read a Bookmark in a Word Document
- Demonstration script that retrieves the values of two different Microsoft Word bookmarks.
- Set objWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")
- Set objDoc = objWord.Documents.Open("c:\scripts\word\bookmarkdoc.doc")
- Set objRange = objDoc.Bookmarks("NameBookmark").Range
- Wscript.Echo objRange.Text
- Set objRange = objDoc.Bookmarks("AddressBookmark").Range
- Wscript.Echo objRange.Text
- objWord.Quit
- Use Word to Search for Files
- Demonstration script that uses Microsoft Word to locate all the .mp3 files stored on drive C of the local computer.
- Set objWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")
- Set objDoc = objWord.Documents.Add()
- objWord.FileSearch.FileName = "*.mp3"
- objWord.FileSearch.LookIn = "C:\"
- objWord.FileSearch.SearchSubfolders = True
- objWord.FileSearch.Execute
- For Each objFile in objWord.FileSearch.FoundFiles
- Wscript.Echo objFile
- Next
- objWord.Quit
复制代码 转自:http://www.activexperts.com/acti ... ipts/msoffice/word/ |