取环境变量%AppData% +上 SQLyog\sqlyog.ini 就可以。
###以下是 sqlyog.ini文件片段:
```- [UserInterface]
- Language=zh-cn
- Version=2
- ThemeFile=963
- ThemeType=1
- [Themedetails]
- ThemeFile=964
- ThemeType=1
- Encoding=utf8
- Left=0
- Top=0
- Right=600
- Bottom=600
- Maximize=0
- Host=新连接
- ChildMaximized=1
- [Connection 1]
- Name=新连接
- Host=localhost
- User=root
- StorePassword=1
- Password=sLBzS1h0309zR9IxMQ==
- Port=3306
- Database=
- ......
复制代码 ```
```- >>> 2<<10
- 2048
- >>> 2<<10&255
- 0
复制代码 ```
```python- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- """
- Created on 2017-03-15 07:42:58
- @author: codegay
- """
- import os
- import configparser
- import base64
- def decode(base64str):
- tmp = base64.b64decode(base64str)
- return bytearray([(b<<1&255)|(b>>7) for b in tmp]).decode("utf8")
- sqlyogini = os.environ.get('APPDATA')+"\\SQLyog\\sqlyog.ini"
- print("sqlyogini文件路径:",sqlyogini)
- ini = configparser.ConfigParser()
- ini.read(sqlyogini,encoding='utf8')
- connections = [r for r in ini.sections() if 'name' in ini.options(r) and ini.get(r,'password')]
- for c in connections:
- name = ini.get(c,'name')
- host = ini.get(c,'host')
- user = ini.get(c,'user')
- b64pass = ini.get(c,'password')
- password = decode(b64pass)
- print(name,host,user,sep='\n')
- print('密码',password)
- print('----------------------------------------------------------------------------------')
复制代码 ```
```- sqlyogini文件路径: C:\Users\root\AppData\Roaming\SQLyog\sqlyog.ini
- 新连接
- localhost
- root
- 密码 aa新连接bb
复制代码 ```
2017-4-8 21:55:53 codegay
**Retrieve passwords stored in SQLyog** https://dd9e.blogspot.jp/2014/05 ... ored-in-sqlyog.html
**sqlyog-decode-pwd** https://github.com/gkralik/sqlyo ... ob/master/decode.py
**以下是 sqlyog源码中密码加密解密的函数:**https://github.com/webyog/sqlyog ... rc/CommonHelper.cpp
额外说一句,sqlyog的代码感觉是相当于好看的。- DecodePassword(wyString &text)
- {
- wyChar pwd[512]={0}, pwdutf8[512] = {0};
- strcpy(pwdutf8, text.GetString());
- DecodeBase64(pwdutf8, pwd);
- RotateBitLeft((wyUChar*)pwd);
- strncpy(pwdutf8, pwd, 511);
- text.SetAs(pwdutf8);
- return wyTrue;
- }
- /*rotates bit right */
- void
- RotateBitRight(wyUChar *str)
- {
- wyInt32 count;
- for(count = 0; str[count]; count++)
- str[count] = (((str[count])>>(1)) | ((str[count])<<(8 - (1))));
- return;
- }
- // We keep the name in encrypted form.
- // so we do a bit rotation of 1 on the left before writing it into the registry.
- void
- RotateBitLeft(wyUChar *str)
- {
- wyInt32 count;
- for(count = 0; str[count]; count++)
- str[count] = (((str[count])<<(1)) | ((str[count])>>(8 - (1))));
- return;
- }
- wyBool
- EncodePassword(wyString &text)
- {
- wyChar *encode = NULL, pwdutf8[512] = {0};
- strcpy(pwdutf8, text.GetString());
- RotateBitRight((wyUChar*)pwdutf8);
- EncodeBase64(pwdutf8, strlen(pwdutf8), &encode);
- strncpy(pwdutf8, encode, 511);
- text.SetAs(pwdutf8);
- if(encode)
- free(encode);
- return wyTrue;
- }