【原创】不借助任何库,只用vba控制单元格颜色和宽窄,生成商品条码,扫描效果极佳,适合批量打印条码价签。 - '计算EAN13校验位
- Private Function Get_EAN_CheckSum(rawString As String)
- Dim checkSum As Integer
- checkSum = 0
- For i = 2 To 12 Step 2
- checkSum = checkSum + Val(Mid$(rawString, i, 1))
- Next
- checkSum = checkSum * 3
- For i = 1 To 11 Step 2
- checkSum = checkSum + Val(Mid$(rawString, i, 1))
- Next
- '函数返回值
- Get_EAN_CheckSum = (10 - (checkSum Mod 10)) Mod 10
- End Function
- '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
- '填充EAN码区边界
- Private Function Fill_EAN_Bounds(ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer)
- '初始化码区尺寸、背景色
- For i = 1 To 100
- Cells(y, x + i).ColumnWidth = 0.2
- Cells(y, x + i).RowHeight = 100
- Cells(y, x + i).Interior.ColorIndex = 0
- Cells(y + 1, x + i).ColumnWidth = 0.2
- Cells(y + 1, x + i).RowHeight = 20
- Cells(y + 1, x + i).Interior.ColorIndex = 0
- Next
- '初始化码区左侧起始线
- Cells(y, x + 1).Interior.ColorIndex = 1
- Cells(y + 1, x + 1).Interior.ColorIndex = 1
- Cells(y, x + 2).Interior.ColorIndex = 0
- Cells(y + 1, x + 2).Interior.ColorIndex = 0
- Cells(y, x + 3).Interior.ColorIndex = 1
- Cells(y + 1, x + 3).Interior.ColorIndex = 1
- '初始化码区中间线
- Cells(y, x + 46).Interior.ColorIndex = 0
- Cells(y + 1, x + 46).Interior.ColorIndex = 0
- Cells(y, x + 47).Interior.ColorIndex = 1
- Cells(y + 1, x + 47).Interior.ColorIndex = 1
- Cells(y, x + 48).Interior.ColorIndex = 0
- Cells(y + 1, x + 48).Interior.ColorIndex = 0
- Cells(y, x + 49).Interior.ColorIndex = 1
- Cells(y + 1, x + 49).Interior.ColorIndex = 1
- Cells(y, x + 50).Interior.ColorIndex = 0
- Cells(y + 1, x + 50).Interior.ColorIndex = 0
- '初始化码区右侧终止线
- Cells(y, x + 93).Interior.ColorIndex = 1
- Cells(y + 1, x + 93).Interior.ColorIndex = 1
- Cells(y, x + 94).Interior.ColorIndex = 0
- Cells(y + 1, x + 94).Interior.ColorIndex = 0
- Cells(y, x + 95).Interior.ColorIndex = 1
- Cells(y + 1, x + 95).Interior.ColorIndex = 1
- '函数返回值
- Fill_EAN_Bounds = 0
- End Function
- '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
- '填充EAN13条码线
- Private Function Fill_EAN_Lines(ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, ByVal n As Integer)
- For i = 0 To 6
- Cells(y, x + i).Interior.ColorIndex = IIf(n And (2 ^ (6 - i)), 1, 0)
- Next
- '函数返回值
- Fill_EAN_Lines = 0
- End Function
- '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
- '主过程
- Private Sub worksheet_change(ByVal Target As Range)
- '焦点不在目标区域则退出
- If Target.Address <> "$A$1" Then
- Exit Sub
- End If
- '初始化参量数组
- Dim preModeCode, abModeCode, cModeCode
- '前置码数组
- preModeCode = Array(0, 11, 13, 14, 19, 25, 28, 21, 22, 26)
- 'AB模式数组
- abModeCode = Array(Array(13, 25, 19, 61, 35, 49, 47, 59, 55, 11), Array(39, 51, 27, 33, 29, 57, 5, 17, 9, 23))
- 'C模式数组
- cModeCode = Array(114, 102, 108, 66, 92, 78, 80, 68, 72, 116)
- '获取输入的条码
- Dim inText As String
- inText = Range("$A$1").Text
- '将输入的EAN13码拆分为输入码数组
- ReDim inCode(0 To Len(inText) - 1)
- For i = 0 To Len(inText) - 1
- inCode(i) = Mid(inText, i + 1, 1)
- Next
- '计算校验位
- Dim checkSum As Integer
- checkSum = Get_EAN_CheckSum(inText)
- '将校验位压入数组
- inCode(Len(inText) - 1) = checkSum
- '要绘制的坐标位置
- Dim startX, startY As Integer
- startX = 3
- startY = 3
- '绘制码区边界
- Dim f, p, t, s As Integer
- f = Fill_EAN_Bounds(startX, startY)
- p = preModeCode(inCode(0))
- For i = 0 To 5
- t = IIf(p And (2 ^ (5 - i)), 1, 0)
- s = Fill_EAN_Lines(4 + startX + 7 * i, startY, abModeCode(t)(inCode(i + 1)))
- Next
- For i = 6 To 11
- s = Fill_EAN_Lines(9 + startX + 7 * i, startY, cModeCode(inCode(i + 1)))
- Next
- End Sub
- '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''