源代码:- <!--////////程序说明/////////====
- 程序名称:汉字区位码查询.hta
- 程序作者:youxi01
- 完成日期:2008-9-21
- <!--//////////样式////////////-->
- SCROLL="no"
- />
- <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312">
- <style type="text/css">
- a:link {color: blue}
- a:visited {color: blue}
- body {background: #EEEEEE}
- #table {border:none;width:100%;background: #EEEEEE;}
- #table td {border:1 solid #BEBEBE ; height="180"; }
- .test {padding: 3px}
- .menuUp {
- border:1px solid menu;
- height:20px;
- }
- .menuOver {
- padding-top:1px;
- border-left:1px solid buttonhighlight;
- border-top:1px solid buttonhighlight;
- border-right:1px solid buttonshadow;
- border-bottom:1px solid buttonshadow;
- }
- .menuDown {
- padding-top:1px;
- border-left:1px solid buttonshadow;
- border-top:1px solid buttonshadow;
- border-right:1px solid buttonhighlight;
- border-bottom:1px solid buttonhighlight;
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- </style>
- <SCRIPT Language="VBScript">
- Sub window_onload
- window.resizeTo 380,250
- ileft=(window.screen.width-380)/2
- itop=(window.screen.height-250)/2
- window.moveTo ileft,itop
- call query_onclick()
- End sub
- Function GetCode(str) '///获取汉字的区位码
- casc=asc(str)
- if casc<0 then casc=casc+65535+1
- if casc>255 then
- b2="0"&Right(((casc and 255)-160),2)
- b1=Right((int(casc/256)-160),2)
- GetCode=b1&Right(b2,2)
- else
- GetCode=str
- end if
- End Function
- Function query_onclick()
- L=len(CN.value)
- for i=1 to L
- Tstr=mid(CN.value,i,1)
- if Tstr<>" " then
- Tstr="<font color=blue>"&Tstr&"</font>:<font color=green>"&GetCode(Tstr)&"</font>"
- Res=Res&Tstr&"</br>"
- end if
- next
- Result.innerHTML="查询结果:</br>"&Res
- End Function
- Function CN_onmouseOver()
- me.select
- End Function
- <title>汉字区位码查询</title>
- <body topmargin="2" rightmargin="0" leftmargin="0">
- <table id="table" cellpadding="8" cellspacing="5">
- <tr>
- <td width="40%" valign=top>输入汉字:
- <div class="test"><input ID=CN type="text" value="在这里输入汉字" style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: peachpuff;color:#789" size=16></div>
- <div class="test" align=center> <input type="button" ID=query value="点击查询" class="menuUp" onmouseover=me.className='menuOver' onmousedown=me.className='menuDown' onmouseout=me.className='menuUp'></div>
- <div class="test"><fieldset>
- <legend><font color=red>使用说明</font></legend>
- <font size=3px;>1、只能查询GB2312汉字;</br>
- 2、可以同时查询多个汉字。</font>
- </fieldset></div>
- </td>
- <td width="59%"><div id=Result style="overflow:auto;height=160">查询结果:</div></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- <div align="center">Code by <font color=red>youxi01</font>(2laoshi)
- <a href="http://www.2laoshi.cn" target="blank">访问blog</a>
- </div>
- </body>