我写两个- @echo off&setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
- set "SmallNum=i like the bathome,because here is the batch of the world"
- set "ChangeSmallNum=%SmallNum% "
- set "BigNum=A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z"
- :lp
- set frist=%SmallNum:~,1%
- for %%i in (%BigNum%) do (
- for /l %%m in (1 1 5) do (for %%x in (a b c d e f) do color %%x)
- if /i "%frist%"=="%%i" set /p=%%i<nul
- )
- if "%frist%"=="," set /p=,<nul
- if "%frist%"==" " set /p= <nul
- set SmallNum=%SmallNum:~1%
- if defined SmallNum goto :lp
- pause>nul
- @echo off&setlocal enabledelayedexpansion&color 5c
- set "SmallNum=i like the bathome,because here is the batch of the world"
- set "ChangeSmallNum=%SmallNum% "
- set "BigNum=A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z"
- for %%i in (%BigNum%) do (
- set ChangeSmallNum=!ChangeSmallNum:%%i=%%i!
- )
- ::echo %SmallNum%
- ::echo %ChangeSmallNum%
- :lp
- for /l %%m in (1 1 5) do (for %%x in (a b c d e f) do color %%x)
- set Frist=%ChangeSmallNum:~,1%
- set ChangeSmallNum=%ChangeSmallNum:~1%
- if defined ChangeSmallNum set /p=%Frist%<nul&ping -n 1. localhost >nul &goto :lp
- pause>nul