本帖最后由 apang 于 2015-3-15 16:29 编辑
- call Main()
- Sub Main()
- Dim url, txt, arr, i
- url = "http://data.eastmoney.com/soft/zlsj/jgcg.aspx?typename=Intrust&year=2014&month=12"
- txt = getText(url)
- arr = getOrgID(txt)
- For i = 0 to UBound(arr, 2)
- url = "http://data.eastmoney.com" & arr(0, i)
- arr(0, i) = getTDNum(getText(url)) & " " & url
- WScript.Sleep 1000
- Next
- call SaveToFile(arr)
- End Sub
- MsgBox "OK"
- Function getText(ByVal url)
- Dim http
- Set http = CreateObject ("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
- http.Open "GET", url, false
- http.Send
- with CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
- .Mode = 3
- .Type = 1
- .Open
- .Write http.responseBody
- .Position = 0
- .Type = 2
- .Charset = "GB2312"
- getText = .ReadText()
- End with
- End Function
- Function getOrgID(ByVal txt)
- Dim ar, re, e, i
- ReDim ar(1, 0)
- txt = Split(txt, "信托机构总览")(1)
- Set re = New RegExp
- re.Pattern = "href=""(.+?)"".+?>(.+?)<"
- re.Global = true
- re.IgnoreCase = true
- Set e = re.Execute(txt)
- For i = 0 to e.Count - 1
- ReDim PreServe ar(1, i)
- ar(0, i) = e(i).Submatches(0)
- ar(1, i) = e(i).Submatches(1)
- Next
- getOrgID = ar
- End Function
- Function getTDNum(s)
- Dim re, m, n
- Set re = New RegExp
- re.Pattern = "tdnumber col.+?tdnumber.+?([\d\.]+)"
- re.Global = true
- re.IgnoreCase = true
- If Not re.Test(s) Then getTDNum = "-" : Exit Function
- For Each m in re.Execute(s)
- n = n + 0 + m.SubMatches(0)
- Next
- getTDNum = n
- End Function
- Sub SaveToFile(ByVal arr)
- Dim p, oExcel, i, lnk
- p = Left(WScript.ScriptFullName,InStrRev(WScript.ScriptFullName,"\"))
- Set oExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
- oExcel.Visible = false
- oExcel.WorkBooks.Add
- oExcel.WorkSheets(1).Activate
- For i = 0 to UBound(arr, 2)
- lnk = Split(arr(0, i), " ")(1)
- oExcel.Cells(i+2, 1) = arr(1, i)
- oExcel.Cells(i+2, 2) = Split(arr(0, i), " ")(0)
- oExcel.WorkSheets(1).HyperLinks.Add oExcel.Cells(i+2,1), lnk
- Next
- oExcel.Cells(1, 1) = "信托机构名称"
- oExcel.Cells(1, 2) = "持股市值"
- oExcel.ActiveWorkBook.SaveAs p & "a.xlsx"
- oExcel.WorkBooks.Close
- oExcel.Quit
- End Sub