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[转贴] DynamicWrapperX for Windows10 x64

例子是官网的例子,本人做了 x64 兼容修改。
提示:没有安装过 DynamicWrapperX 的,先执行 附件中的 DynamicWrapperX_Make.vbs。
  1. DynamicWrapperX.7z 文件说明:
  2. .\dynwrapx1_00_eng.zip                        --官网已挂?原文件及示例文件在这里。
  3. .\DynamicWrapperX_Make.vbs                --首次使用 DynamicWrapperX ,自动注册,可在 x86/x64 系统中使用。
  4. .\DynamicWrapperX_Init-WinList.vbs       --列出 Windows 所有窗口标题
  5. .\Beep.vbs                                            --调用主板嗡鸣器发出声音
  6. .\Hello.vbs                                            --简单对话框 Windows API MessageBoxW()
  1. '************************************************************************
  2. 'Main
  3. '************************************************************************
  4. Sub Main()
  5. If Not DynamicWrapperX_Init() Then Exit Sub
  6. Msgbox "DynamicWrapperX_Init() = OK"
  7. Set DX = CreateObject("DynamicWrapperX")
  8. DX.Register "user32", "EnumWindows",    "i=pl"
  9. DX.Register "user32", "GetWindowTextW", "i=hWl"     ' Unicode variant.
  10. ' DX.Register "user32", "GetWindowText", "i=hSl"    ' ANSI variant.
  11. Set Ref = GetRef("CbkEnumWin")  ' Get a reference to the function.
  12. pCbkFunc = DX.RegisterCallback(Ref, "i=hl", "r=l")  ' Register CbkEnumWin
  13. ' as a callback procedure
  14. ' and get its pointer.
  15. n = 0 : m = 0 : WinList = ""
  16. Title = Space(256)              ' Buffer for the window titles (an output string).
  17. DX.EnumWindows pCbkFunc, 0      ' Call EnumWindows and pass it the pointer
  18. ' to the callback procedure.      
  19. WScript.Echo "Windows in total: " & m & vbCrLf & "With a title: " & n & _
  20.   vbCrLf & vbCrLf & WinList
  21. End Sub
  22. '************************************************************************
  23. 'The callback function itself
  24. '************************************************************************
  25. Function CbkEnumWin(ByVal hwnd, ByVal lparam)
  26. DX.GetWindowTextW hwnd, Title, 256
  27. ' DX.GetWindowText hwnd, Title, 256   ' ANSI variant.
  28. If Len(Title) > 0 Then  ' Add the title to the list if its length is greater than 0.
  29. WinList = WinList & hwnd & vbTab & Title & vbCrLf
  30. n = n + 1
  31. End If
  32. m = m + 1
  33. CbkEnumWin = 1          ' Returning 0 will stop the calls.
  34. End Function
  1. ---------------------------
  2. Windows Script Host
  3. ---------------------------
  4. Windows in total: 464
  5. With a title: 232
  6. 197348 CandidateWindow
  7. 1116542 f.lux note
  8. 393324 f.lux note
  9. 526706 Mode Indicator
  10. 200264 Mode Indicator
  11. 329256 百度云
  12. 68284 TeamViewer Panel (最小化)
  13. 68282 TeamViewer Panel
  14. 68186 item
  15. 198658 pallas
  16. 198654 pallas
  17. 395326 pallas_mk
  18. 66152 电池指示器
  19. 66232 Network Flyout
  20. 196988 dummyLayeredWnd
  21. 67028 DivX Update
  22. 66630 桌面歌词
  23. 67322 Mode Indicator
  24. 197434 Mode Indicator
  25. 330582 Mode Indicator
  26. 67452 CandidateWindow
  27. 527208 Mode Indicator
  28. 657950 CandidateWindow
  29. 67874 Mode Indicator
  30. 2296658 Mode Indicator
  31. 1182228 Mode Indicator
  32. 131922 Mode Indicator
  33. 134680 Mode Indicator
  34. 3476026 R:\DynamicWrapperX
  35. 263772 VBS原创&转载 - 批处理之家 批处理_BAT_CMD_DOS_VBS_Perl_Python_PowerShell - Powered by Discuz! - Google Chrome
  36. 197180 f.lux: Warm at sunset, with a candle before bed
  37. 265792 R:\DynamicWrapperX.7z\DynamicWrapperX\
  38. 592728 无标题 - 记事本
  39. 1247808 转至
  40. 41551982 替换
  41. 656466 C:\Users\Yu2n\Desktop\base64utf8.vbs - Notepad++
  42. 132724 工具栏选项
  43. 67402 Project Window Insert
  44. 67404 Project Window Insert
  45. 67406 Project Window Insert
  46. 67408 Project Window Insert
  47. 67396 Code Window
  48. 67398 Code Window
  49. 67400 Code Window
  50. 67332 Microsoft Visual Basic - Book1
  51. 199640 任务管理器
  52. 68318 YU2N-DEV - TeamViewer - 免费许可证(仅非商业用途)
  53. 656496 G
  54. 134778 G
  55. 66104 计算机和联系人
  56. 65904 TeamViewer
  57. 131268 TeamViewer - 文件传输事件日志
  58. 395870 应用商店
  59. 132008 Groove 音乐
  60. 197486 Groove 音乐
  61. 132062 照片
  62. 394142 照片
  63. 132050 电影和电视
  64. 264854 电影和电视
  65. 68270 应用商店
  66. 395238 d:\game\英雄联盟\leagueclient\.\GameLoader.exe::GAMELOADER
  67. 133266 进度
  68. 723080 G
  69. 788356 TCLS_CORE_WND_08584278
  70. 655964 TCLS_CORE_WND_79840640
  71. 460900 tgp_login
  72. 395152 tgp_login
  73. 918870 ClassName531937
  74. 329780 TCLS_CORE_WND_562310784
  75. 198790 _TGP_SERVER_DIR_WND_NAME_
  76. 198600 tgp_cross_mgs_wnd_19322F30-BAF4-49E3-8BE7-6B39B3A674A6
  77. 67560 HIDE
  78. 67516 ClassName511843
  79. 133014 TCLS_CORE_WND_10746792
  80. 67512 G
  82. 67506 TGP_TRAYICON_NEW
  83. 67504 TCLS_CORE_WND_10223212
  84. 67502 TGP_RES_MGR_Window
  85. 67498 _TCLS_CORE_APP_WND_NAME_
  86. 133016 TCLS_CORE_WND_53691080
  89. 264070 TCLS_CORE_WND_53891488
  90. 133020 tgp_login
  91. 67346 属性
  92. 67190 Microsoft Excel - Book1
  93. 67292 DDE Server Window
  94. 131976 AXWIN Frame Window
  95. 328620 多玩英雄联盟盒子
  96. 394036 G
  97. 196696 MediaEspresso DeviceDetector
  98. 394566 G
  99. 67092 向日葵客户端
  100. 67100 OrayShadow
  101. 67084 oray
  102. 196726 G
  103. 67046 Advanced Controls: WOW(R) HD
  104. 66908 SRS Audio Sandbox
  105. 67040 DivXUpdate
  106. 67020 Updater Error
  107. 67008 DivX Update
  108. 132526 DivXIPCWindowName
  109. 66692 dummyLayeredWnd
  110. 66890 NetWorx (所有以太网连接)
  111. 131622 设置
  112. 132196 欢迎使用百度网盘
  113. 66622 Mode Indicator
  114. 262904 传奇 - 李健
  115. 131260 迷你播放器
  116. 131528 传奇 - 李健
  117. 66574 G
  118. 66552 G
  119. 66334 DDE Server Window
  121. 131130 SecHealthHost
  122. 66254 Windows Shell Experience 主机
  123. 66252 MS_WebcheckMonitor
  124. 66148 DDE Server Window
  125. 65902 DDE Server Window
  126. 196724 BluetoothNotificationAreaIconWindowClass
  127. 65750 The Event Manager - Status
  128. 65752 HotKey Listener
  129. 65714 TVMainThreadCall
  130. 65676 Windows Push Notifications Platform
  131. 65672 G
  132. 196636 Task Host Window
  133. 65602 DWM Notification Window
  134. 65740 igfxtrayWindow
  135. 67212 GDI+ Window
  136. 67574 WeGame
  137. 329252 欢迎使用百度网盘
  138. 65868 Program Manager
  139. 134074 MSCTFIME UI
  140. 66026 Default IME
  141. 67186 MSCTFIME UI
  142. 65892 Default IME
  143. 197334 MSCTFIME UI
  144. 131448 Default IME
  145. 65858 MSCTFIME UI
  146. 65738 Default IME
  147. 525054 MSCTFIME UI
  148. 133074 Default IME
  149. 66208 Default IME
  150. 199290 MSCTFIME UI
  151. 88148410 Default IME
  152. 1052172 Default IME
  153. 132674 MSCTFIME UI
  154. 197504 Default IME
  155. 7473982 MSCTFIME UI
  156. 60886442 Default IME
  157. 134708 Default IME
  158. 133516 Default IME
  159. 65882 MSCTFIME UI
  160. 65700 Default IME
  161. 1641008 MSCTFIME UI
  162. 658252 Default IME
  163. 67744 MSCTFIME UI
  164. 788512 Default IME
  165. 67276 MSCTFIME UI
  166. 67194 Default IME
  167. 134128 MSCTFIME UI
  168. 68588 Default IME
  169. 66064 MSCTFIME UI
  170. 65716 Default IME
  171. 395366 Default IME
  172. 526460 Default IME
  173. 134782 Default IME
  174. 68618 Default IME
  175. 591844 Default IME
  176. 132044 Default IME
  177. 197554 Default IME
  178. 131966 Default IME
  179. 132058 Default IME
  180. 197612 Default IME
  181. 132042 Default IME
  182. 133796 Default IME
  183. 68272 Default IME
  184. 68250 Default IME
  185. 328806 MSCTFIME UI
  186. 197932 Default IME
  187. 132258 Default IME
  188. 198754 MSCTFIME UI
  189. 198700 Default IME
  190. 329664 Default IME
  191. 395232 Default IME
  192. 67562 Default IME
  193. 67514 Default IME
  194. 67510 Default IME
  195. 67500 Default IME
  196. 394578 MSCTFIME UI
  197. 197122 Default IME
  198. 262974 Default IME
  199. 132026 MSCTFIME UI
  200. 328514 Default IME
  201. 263750 Default IME
  202. 132662 Default IME
  203. 132030 Default IME
  204. 263036 Default IME
  205. 197192 Default IME
  206. 67098 MSCTFIME UI
  207. 67086 Default IME
  208. 67082 Default IME
  209. 67036 MSCTFIME UI
  210. 66912 Default IME
  211. 67010 Default IME
  212. 66992 Default IME
  213. 66896 MSCTFIME UI
  214. 131184 Default IME
  215. 197726 Default IME
  216. 66568 MSCTFIME UI
  217. 262234 Default IME
  218. 66576 Default IME
  219. 66554 Default IME
  220. 131864 Default IME
  221. 131848 Default IME
  222. 131844 Default IME
  223. 131136 Default IME
  224. 66256 Default IME
  225. 66218 Default IME
  226. 66150 Default IME
  227. 65864 Default IME
  228. 65846 MSCTFIME UI
  229. 65844 MSCTFIME UI
  230. 65754 Default IME
  231. 65756 Default IME
  232. 65678 Default IME
  233. 65674 Default IME
  234. 67536 MSCTFIME UI
  235. 133018 Default IME
  236. 66682 MSCTFIME UI
  237. 66616 Default IME
  238. ---------------------------
  239. 确定   
  240. ---------------------------


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回复 2# cfwyy77_bat






DynamicWrapperX is an ActiveX component that you can use in scripts (JScript, VBScript, etc) to call:
functions exported by DLL libraries (in particular Windows API functions) (>>);
any functions whose address in memory you know (>>);
functions whose machine code (in the form of a hex string) you have (>>).

You also can:
call a script function from an external function (callback) (>>);
read and write numbers from/to memory directly (>>);
read and write strings in arbitrary encoding (>>);
allocate and free memory (>>);
copy the content of one memory block to another (>>);
read memory into a hex string and write data from a hex string to memory (>>);
get a pointer to a string, object, array, or variable (>>);
get an object by a pointer to it (>>);
find out the bitness (32 or 64) of the process your script is running in (>>).
去学去写去用才有进步。安装python3代码存为xx.py 双击运行或右键用IDLE打开按F5运行




